Preservation for RNA (including microRNAs)

Preservation for RNA (including microRNAs – 75%  ethanol series at -20°C)


To adequately preserve RNA, and particularly ensuring the preservation of microRNAs, multiple changes of ice-cold 75% ethanol can be used.

A) Keep materials on ice or ice-cold at all times.

B) It is best to preserve 2 “thumb-end size” pieces (or 4 1-cubic-cm pieces) in a 50 ml tube of ethanol. The larger volume ratio of ethanol:sponge, the better.

C) Put fresh tissue in 75% ethanol.

D) Change to fresh 75% ethanol after 15 minutes.

E) Change to fresh 75% ethanol after 1 hour.

F) Change to fresh 75% ethanol the next day.

G) Store at -20°C.



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